Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio
We’ve all been in a powder room or two lavishly wallpapered with multicolored birds. But haven’t you ever wondered where this style had its origins? Luckily for us, opening this week at the Toledo Museum of art is an exhibition entitled Rare and Wondrous: Birds in Art and Culture 1620–1820. Tracing the path that a fascination with “exotic” birds took from ornithological study to interior design, Rare and Wondrous highlights works produced from the 17th to the 19th centuries. As a special addition, the exhibition will feature the museum’s recent acquisition Ornithologie, a compendiumby Mathurin-Jacques Brisson and François-Nicolas Martinet published in 1760. In order to see these designs up close and personal, make sure to check here to plan your trip in advance.
Birmingham Museum of Art, Alabama
This past weekend, the Birmingham Museum of Art introduced their new exhibition Ways of Seeing: The Art of Travel, Trade, and Transportation. As the fifth installation in the exhibition series The Art of Travel, Trade, and Transportation, this exhibit brings together more than 70 pieces from the museum’s collection that explore the idea of travel for both pleasure and necessity. The exhibition boasts works by artists such as Thomas Birch, John Taylor Arms, and many more. Before you head over to BMA in person, check here to plan your trip.
Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona
Opening this week at the Phoenix Art Museum is an exhibition entitled Splendid Visions: Gifts from the Robert and Amy Clague Collections. Splendid Visions examines the extensive collection of Chinese cloisonné, bronzes, and textiles as well as southeast Asian textiles and Hindu and Buddhist manuscript covers donated to the museum by the Clague family. This exhibition offers museum-goers a unique look at art from different cultures around Asia. Check here to reserve your timed ticket to see these pieces in person.
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, Connecticut
At the end of next week, the Wadsworth Atheneum is welcoming their new exhibition Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec: Jane Avril Leaving the Moulin Rouge. As the title suggests, this exhibition is structured around the 1892 painting of the same name. Other works featured in this exhibition include rarely seen lithographs by Toulouse-Lautrec as well as pieces by his contemporaries. As a celebration of the friendship between the painter and the dancer, this exhibition is a must-see. So, check here to reserve your timed tickets in advance.