For everyone who won’t be able to attend this year’s Winterthur ceramics conference, Coming to America: Imported Ceramics & the Wares They Inspired, here is a peek oat the works that will be featured-from Presidential porcelain to Staffordshire and saltglaze. Celebrating 300 years of earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain in America, the conference, which combines lectures and workshops, will be held on March 5 and 6, with a special pre-conference field trip on March 4 to the Independence Living History Center Archeology Laboratory, and the country house Stenton in Germantown, PA. Speakers this year include: Susan Gray Detweiler, curator of the McNeil Americana Collection, whose talk is on French porcelain for American Presidents; Jason T. Busch, the Alan G. and Jane A. Lehman Curator of Decorative Arts at the Carnegia Museum of Art, speaking on the ceramics history along the Mississippi River at the mid-nineteenth century; and Ron Fuchs, Curator of the Reeves Collection at Washington & Lee University, who will look at Chinese ceramics made for the American Market.
To register to attend the conference or for more information visit www.winterthur.org/images/event/Ceramics_brochure3.pdf or call 1-800-448-3883.