May 1961: Theorem flower painting, probably Conway, Massachusetts area, 1820s.
May 1962: Greek- and Gothic-revival motifs from 1800s American pattern books.
May/June 2016: Photo made at Virginia Eastern Shore, Accomack County [Virginia] . . . 1972 by Walker Evans (1903–1975).
May 1928: Gravure decoupée, or dressed engraving, late 1700s or early 1800s.
May 1962: American glass design by art director Milton H. Glover (1907–1994).
May/June 2015: Detail of the Steeplechase Funny Face at Coney Island.
May 1924: Glazed earthenware “haymaker’s” jug.
June 1988: Vases designed by Christopher Dresser, made by the Old Hall Porcelain Company, Hanley, Staffordshire, England, c. 1886, in the collection of Gilbert and George.
May/June 2020: Late 1800s- and early 1900s English majolica oyster plates from the collection of the late Joan Stacke Graham.
May 1971: Seated Indian, carved wood sculpture attributed to Charles J. Dodge (1806–1886), New York, c. 1858.
June 1982: Edgewater, Barrytown, New York, built c. 1820.
May/June 2021: Detail of Langston Hughes by Winold Reiss, c. 1925, in the National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC.
May/June 2019: Imari porcelain displayed on an island-made mahogany “cupping” table in a Saint Croix town house.
May 1959: Assemblage of rococo designs by Milton Glover.
June 1940: American Partridge and Attamusco Lily by Mark Catesby from The natural history of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands . . . (1729).
June 1981: Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire, England, built 1877–1889.
May 1935: Peep-show silhouette by Augustin (or Auguste) Edouart (1789–1861).
May 2004: Detail of a group of miniature boxes: oval pantry box, New England, c. 1840; dome-topped box, New York or New England, c. 1820; chest, New York, c. 1825.
May 1990: Detail of a side chair probably from Norfolk, Virginia, c. 1790, now in the collection of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, Virginia.
May 1999: Detail of a lyre-backed settee, Salem or Boston, Massachusetts, 1816, in the Peabody Essex Museum.
May 2000: Details of two eight-day clocks inscribed by Joseph Mulliken, Concord, Massachusetts, 1790– 1802. The one on the left in the collection of the Concord Museum.
May 1991: Detail of a chaise longue, New York City, c. 1826–1830.
June 2000: Detail of The Graham Children, by William Hogarth, 1742, in the National Gallery, London.
June 2004: Details from botanical gouaches painted in China, c. 1823, in the Peabody Essex Museum.
June 2005: Mary Magdalene by Frederick Sandys, c. 1859, in the Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington.
June 1999: Detail of a slipware dish, probably Hanley, Staffordshire, England, 1676, then in the Longridge Collection.
June 2002: Detail of a pair of silver sauceboats marked by Paul Storr, London, 1819–1820, in the Portland Art Museum, Oregon.
June 1993: Detail of a Coade stone river god designed by John Bacon, 1784, at Ham House, Surrey, England.
June 1954: Design by Milton Glover based on a pair of Chelsea porcelain swan tureens of c. 1755.
June 1947: The White-Winged Wren-Warble from The Birds of Australia by John Gould, 1848, in the New York Public Library.
June 1967: Design of American blown glass by Milton Glover.
June 1983: Uspensky Cathedral Egg made by Fabergé and Company, St. Petersburg, 1904, in the Armoury Museum, Kremlin, Moscow, Russia.
June 1941: Quebec, transfer-printed earthenware platter, Staffordshire, England, c. 1843.
June 1958: Watercolor portraits of Henry Boynton and Emelina Boynton by Henry Walton, 1845, now in the Fenimore Art Museum, Cooperstown, New York.
June 1948: Texas state flag and Alamo design.
June 2012: Ninetieth anniversary issue.
May 1950: Rooster weathervanes design by Milton Glover.
May 2009: Reopened Charles Engelhard Court of the American Wing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
May 1936: Design adapted from Queen Victoria’s Dances, an undated music-sheet cover issued by E. Ferrett and Co., lithographed and printed by Wagner and McGuigan of Philadelphia.
May 1953: Design celebrating the collection of Queen Elizabeth II.