A glimpse of the possible future of museum displays of historical artifacts can be seen in the recent opening of the Art Institute of Chicago’s Deering Family Galleries of Medieval and Renaissance Art, Arms, and Armor.
All About Eats: Art and the American Imagination in Chicago
from The Magazine ANTIQUES, November/December 2013 | Fig. 7. Melons and Morning Glories by Peale, 1813. Inscribed “Raphaelle Peale Painted/Philadelphia Septr. 3d. 1813” at lower right. Oil on canvas, 20 ¾ by 25 ¾ inches. Smithsonian American Art Museum, gift of Paul Mellon. Not so long ago you could learn how to cook an opossum by consulting The Joy of Cooking. …
Chicago and the arts and crafts movement
October 2009 | “Chicago is the only American city I have seen where something absolutely distinctive in aesthetic handling of material has been evolved out of the industrial system” – C. R. Ashbee During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries Chicago stood at the crossroads of the handcrafted and the machine-made, aspects that came to define the American arts …
Wine as inspiration
Since classical Greece, philosophers have been extolling the virtues of a glass of good wine. Socrates supposedly advised: “So far as drinking is concerned, you have my hearty approval; for wine does of a truth moisten the soul and lull our griefs to sleep.” According to the thirteenth-century theologian Saint Thomas Aquinas: “Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a …