ANTIQUES Speaks for Itself

Editorial Staff Magazine

Originally published in the first issue of ANTIQUES, January 1922. Yes, this is ANTIQUES: Volume one, Number one; venturing into a super-modern world, a world self-consciously intent upon newness; purposefully disdainful of tradition, sublimely certain of its own special ability to invent, devise, design in and for the future, in terms of developing future requirement, without recourse to an obviously, …

Winter Antiques Show 2012

Editorial Staff Art, Calendar, Exhibitions

We asked exhibitors at the Winter Antiques Show to highlight one exceptional object in their booths and describe it as they might to an interested collector. Here are the things they chose, along with some of their comments. Barbara Israel Garden Antiques We are thrilled to be bringing a cache of extraordinary objects to the 2012 Winter Antiques Show, including …

Recent shifts at several prominent galleries

Editorial Staff

It’s a far from sleepy summer in the antiques business, as a series of expansions, mergers, and, in one unfortunate case, essentially a bankruptcy shake and shape the field in both Europe and New York. In London yesterday, stalwart Partridge Fine Art, founded in 1902, was placed under the control of administrators (the British equivalent of receivership) due to outstanding …

Santa Fe

Editorial Staff

Santa Fe is a city made by hand; a place of no hard edges or sharp departures, whose centuries old past stretches indelibly into the future. Well known from the art it has inspired, the Royal City of the Holy Faith, dedicated to Saint Francis of Assisi, startles first-time visitors. Above the jagged crest of La Bajada to the south, …


Editorial Staff

Walk into any Chicago antiques shop and you will see that hauteur does not work as a sales tactic in the Midwest. Neither, for the most part, does period purism. The Chicago market is vibrant but eclectic, driven in part by a demand for modern objects that reflect the city’s skyline. Chicago may be the only American city in which …