Emerging during the late Middle Ages, the domestic space known as the estrado kept pace with the ever-increasing reach and buying power of well-to-do households in Spain and the Spanish Americas, becoming a showcase for fineries from the world over. But as a female-coded area, it provided women a degree of autonomy and self-expression not generally possible in Continental or colonial society of the time.
Exhibitions: The American Renaissance at Yale
Warren Buffet once told his shareholders that he and his team “enjoy the process far more than the proceeds.” That may be hard to believe for anyone not enjoying his fortune, but the truth is, no matter what the endeavor, it is better to travel hopefully than arrive.
Exhibitions: Siena, an Art-Historical Brigadoon
In the grand arc of the history of Western painting, Siena is indisputably important, but one is not quite sure in what way.
In the galleries: Winfred Rembert
The art of a self-taught giant is on view at Hauser and Wirth.