Emily Evans Eerdmans at the Merchandise Mart International Antiques Fair

Editorial Staff Opinion

At the Merchandise Mart International Antiques Show on Friday, design and decorative arts historian Emily Evans Eerdmans gave a special lecture, presented by CINOA and The Magazine ANTIQUES, on 20th century neoclassicism—from high style Art Deco to Hollywood stage sets. Eerdmans, who received her master’s degree from Sotheby’s Institute of Art in London, is the director of Hyde Park Antiques …

The Way We See Things Now: The Times, the National Gallery, and the new orthodoxy

Editorial Staff Opinion

On Friday March 6 Roberta Smith of the New York Times delivered a spirited and largely negative review of the recent reopening of the American painting galleries at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. Held fast in the grip of what she describes as the “strictly orthodox” arrangement of periods and schools, the rooms bored her and, she …