Edward Hopper has a strong claim to being the Whitney Museum of American Art’s favorite artist: an institution within the institution.
Openings and Closings: October 28 to November 3
Check out what’s going on online and in person at museums across the country!
Openings and Closings: October 7 to October 13
Check out what’s going on this week online an in person at museums around the US!
New Collector: Of etchings and Edward Hopper (From our Archive)
What collector of American art, new or experienced, would not relish owning a work by Edward Hopper?
Checking in with Edward Hopper
The American artist Edward Hopper had a deep personal and professional interest in hotels, motels, tourist homes, and the wide scope of hospitality services—including the vast infrastructure of restaurants, entertainments, and staff servicing these institutions.
It was never about the food
Drawn to restaurants as settings for his stylish avatars of American anomie, Edward Hopper deliberately avoided giving them anything to eat. Chop Suey by Edward Hopper (1882–1967), 1929. Oil on canvas, 32 by 38 inches. Collection of Barney A. Ebsworth; photograph courtesy of the Seattle Art Museum. The painter Edward Hopper seemed to care a great deal about what he put …
Rockwell Kent and Edward Hopper: Looking out, Looking Within
Consider Rockwell Kent’s paintings of land and sea as modern American mindscapes—poetic distillations of remote places that probe the mysteries of life. Kent hoped viewers would lose themselves in contemplation before his haunting visions.1 “Essentials only ought to go into painting,” he insisted. “I want the elemental, infinite thing; I want to paint the rhythm of eternity.”2 He perceived the …
Life Studies: Edward Hopper’s drawings
from The Magazine ANTIQUES, September/October 2013. The hope of the artist is to resist interpretation. Emerson said that “to be great is to be misunderstood” and, pressed to explain his troubles, Hamlet cried to his interlocutors, “You would pluck out the heart of my mystery.” Among contemporary artists, Jasper Johns has made a creed of reticence, and Edward Hopper was …
Edward Hopper
Of Edward Hopper shows there is no evident end and that is not a bad thing. This summer the Bowdoin College Museum of Art in Brunswick, Maine, is opening a massive Hopper show on a small Hopper theme-the artist’s oil sketches, paintings, watercolors, drawings, and etchings from his nine summers in Maine between 1914 and 1929. Some forty-five works in …
Seattle goes boom: The Seattle Art Museum becomes a mecca for American art
The museum has become a globally focused institution whose odds and ends at last cohere