A rare insight into the glassmaker’s genius is on display at A La Vieille Russie.
Feverish Architectural Fantasies at the Menil Drawing Institute
Jean-Jacques Lequeu’s frustrated architectural ambitions found their outlet in bold, sometimes sexually-charged drawings
Woman of the World
Neuville is among the first women artists working in America to leave a substantial body of work. This article sheds light on this fascinating figure, whose life reads like a compelling historical novel.
Victor Hugo’s storm-swept drawings at the Hammer
Stones to Stains: The Drawings of Victor Hugo at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles shines a light on sixty-four drawings selected from the more than three thousand sheets of illustrations that Hugo left to the world.
Life Studies: Edward Hopper’s drawings
from The Magazine ANTIQUES, September/October 2013. The hope of the artist is to resist interpretation. Emerson said that “to be great is to be misunderstood” and, pressed to explain his troubles, Hamlet cried to his interlocutors, “You would pluck out the heart of my mystery.” Among contemporary artists, Jasper Johns has made a creed of reticence, and Edward Hopper was …
Old master and nineteenth century drawings
Works from the Held collection
Jay A. Clarke appointed Manton Curator at the Clark Art Institute
Michael Conforti, director of the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Mass., recently announced the appointment of Jay A. Clarke as Manton Curator of Prints, Drawings, and Photographs. Clarke was previously associate curator of prints and photographs at the Art Institute of Chicago, where she curated several exhibitions, including, most recently, the acclaimed Becoming Edward Munch: Influence, Anxiety, …