Dealer Adam Ambros and curator Ed Town join Ben to talk about a collection of mostly small objects made in Britain between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Openings and Closings: September 30 to October 6
Check out what’s going on this week online an in person at museums around the US!
When the Bauhaus came to Monte Albán (From our Archives)
To many, the Alberses were the embodiment of forward-thinking modernity. And yet, to a surprising degree, they were inspired by ancient art.
Openings & Closings: Exhibitions, Shows, Fairs 1/15/20–1/21/20
See what’s going on this week in the art and antiques world
Openings & Closings: Exhibitions, Shows, Fairs 1/1/20–1/7/20
See what’s going on this week in the art and antiques world
Openings & Closings: Exhibitions, Shows, Fairs 9/23/19–9/30/19
See what’s going on this week in the art and antiques world
Japan and the baroque at the Yale University Art Gallery
Yale University Art Gallery has brought together two dozen objects connected to the rich cultural history of that maritime trade for an intriguing show: Japan’s Global Baroque, 1550–1650.
When the Bauhaus came to Monte Albán
A new show looks at Josef and Anni Albers as collectors of ancient artifacts.
Endnotes: An Icon for Yale
On the miniature of George Washington by Robert Field offered by Skinner in 2008