ANTIQUES contributors Benjamin Davidson and Pippa Biddle take us on a journey to admire Navajo weavings
Fast Friends
A collection of antique Americana in a contemporary Pennsylvania house demonstrates once again the affinity between folk art and modern design
From the Archives: Living with antiques: The collection of Martin and Gloria Gersh
Take a dive into our archives with the Gershes!
Going Medieval
Cardiff Castle in Wales embodies the Victorian era’s love for the myth and lore of times long past
End notes: Edifice Techs
For Robert Leath and the new team at the Classical American Homes Preservation Trust more time has truly been a gift.
Object lesson: Decor to Go
A Primer on Campaign Furniture
Talking antiques: The Winter Show
Exhibitors preparing for the Winter Show’s first-ever virtual event reflect on their past years at the fair or highlight one exceptional object available this January
Wandering Eye: All eyes on America(na)
What the editors of The Magazine ANTIQUES are looking at this week
Rhode Island Rescues
An excerpt from a new book describes the genesis of the Preservation Society of Newport County
A Man of Parts: The house and collection built by the visionary director of the Wadsworth Atheneum
Understanding the house means understanding the man who created it, the man who at twenty-seven became acting director of the Wadsworth Atheneum and made the country’s oldest public art museum the most talked about arts institution in the country.